Sorption T< 300 / 800 mK

The Entropy cryostats with sorption units are available as M- and L-series based on pulse-tube coolers with a cooling power of 0.5 W or 1.0 W at 4.2 K and various sample space.

We offer the cryostats with He-4 and He-7 sorption units from our partner Chase Research Cryogenics LTD.

Cryostat with He-4 Unit:

  • Base temperature: < 1 K
  • Hold time: > 12 hours @ 1 K with 100 µW heat load

Cryostat with He-7 Unit:

  • Base temperature: < 300 mK
  • Hold time: > 24 hours @ 300 mK with 20 / 50 µW heat load

Sample space at 4K:

  • Ø 230 x 300 mm (M-series)
  • Ø 300 x 400 mm (L-series)
  • Or completely custom-made

The systems come fully featured up with temperature sensors, heaters, electronics and software with TCP/IP interface for remote control.

Several accessories such as DC cables, coax cables, circuit boards, fibers, optical ports and sample magnets are available on request.

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